When medical conditions such as bursitis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, sprains/strains and gout cause swelling, pain and inflammation in joints, people want immediate joint pain relief that is effective and long-lasting. The most common form of pain relief for minor to moderately stiff, achy joints is over the counter NSAIDS. Also, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, aspirin or naproxen. NSAIDs work by blocking Cox-1 and Cox-2 enzymes that are responsible for producing prostaglandins. This a chemical associated with fatty acids that cause pain and swelling.
Glucosamine chondroitin is effective for overall arthritis joint care. It’s safe, affordable, and effective.
Prescription NSAIDs include Daypro, Lodine and Indocin as well as a Cox-2 inhibitor called Celebrex. Celebrex was created to provide people with joint pain relief without the gastrointestinal problems caused by traditional NSAIDs. Many people cannot take ibuprofen or aspirin due to severe side effects such as diarrhea, heartburn, constipation, nausea and stomachache. Therefor, they turn to Celebrex for relief of arthritis-like joint pain.
Topical agents that contain capsaicin may provide joint pain relief by blocking the ability of substance P from transmitting pain signals to the brain. Substance P also stimulates endorphin release which promotes blockage of pain signals as well. A neuropeptide acting like a neurotransmitter, substance P moderates firing of C-fiber nerves which reduces the perception of pain by the brain.
Simultaneously, endorphins are released due to capsaicin activity that targets opoid receptors in the brain to minimize pain sensations. Joint pain relief can also include a physical therapy or exercise regimen. These plans are designed to strengthen joint muscles, improve flexibility and stabilize problematic joint conditions. Patients suffering from joint pain may visit a physical therapist once a week to apply pain reducing techniques. Some techniques involve cold/heat therapy, manual manipulation of extremities to restore joint health and electrical nerve stimulation.
One aspect of a joint pain relief program may include losing weight by adopting healthier eating habits. Secondly, adding a exercise program is extremely effective as directed by your doctor or physical therapist. Swimming is frequently recommended as a way to strengthen joints, reduce pain and improve range of motion because it does not place any impact on joints. Swimming works to relieve joint pressure due to the buoyancy of water. In addition to obesity contributing to knee joint pain, weighing 50 pounds more than your normal weight will also promote the development of other medical conditions. Being overweight may exacerbate joint pain and make it more difficult to treat the root cause of the pain.
For joint relief pain that is caused by temporary conditions such as sprains and strains, a remedy called PRICE (protect, rest, ice, compress and elevate) can be implemented to promote healing.
Normal joint sprains will usually heal within two to three days. In addition, taking ibuprofen, aspirin or naproxen can provide added relief from pain and stiffness while waiting for the joint to heal.
Synflex first tests on liquid glucosamine for arthritis were done in 1998. Testing proved that the absorption rate and bio-availability of glucosamine in liquid was significantly higher than in pills. Pills and capsules contain glucosamine that is in powder form. Liquid is absorbed much better than powder, at a rate of 80-85%. In short, glucosamine chondroitin in liquid form is absorbed faster and provides greater impact.
Reports on the use of capsule or pill forms of glucosamine vary greatly. Synflex users’ testimonials prove over and over that Synflex is the best medicine for arthritis join care.