CBD Oil Versus Glucosamine Liquid for Arthritis (OA)

CBD Oil Versus Glucosamine Liquid for Arthritis (OA)

Will CBD Oil Really Help Your Osteoarthritis?

There is certainly no shortage of CBD products on the market. All of these companies are making claims about “pain relief” so if you suffer from arthritis, you may be tempted to try CBD oil for your arthritis pain. This article will focus on CBD Oil versus liquid glucosamine and which is best for you.

What is CBD OIL (Cannabidiol)?

The makers of these products want to make it clear that CBD Oil is not to be confused with “marijuana”. The reason is that the ingredients are not something that will make you “high” or “intoxicated” from using it. The THC is removed from these products, thus eliminating the psychoactive effects.


*To make CBD Oil, Cannabidiol is extracted from the buds and flowers of marijuana or hemp plants. The “high” that users get from smoking marijuana is caused by Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC0). As noted, it is not found in the CBD products.

Federal Legal Issues Involved with CBD Oil

Marijuana is considered to be a Schedule I drug and is under the laws of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). If a CBD product is derived from marijuana then it is considered illegal under federal law. The exception is a drug called Epidiolex® which was approved for very rare use in children. However, some thirty-three (33) states have allowed the use of marijuana products for either recreational or medical use.

In 2018, a federal law was amended to allow the cultivation of hemp products, taking the DEA oversight away from it. Hemp is now considered to be an agricultural commodity that is regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

FDA Regulation of Hemp Products

As it stands now, the FDA regulates many products that contain marijuana, cannabidiol, or derivatives of the same. The FDA regulations are extensive and require some reading. Briefly stated in 2018 and 2019, the FDA says that “it is unlawful to introduce products into interstate commerce that contain CBD or THC, or as dietary supplements, whether or not they are derived from hemp.”

The FDA has also stated that “if any such products are marketed to treat, cure or prevent disease”. While Congress can modify these laws, let’s remember that claims that are made regarding pain relief make these products a “drug” if such claims are made. A therapeutic claim that “CBD Oil can end your pain” would seem to fit that definition. This applies to both humans and family pets.

Safety and Adverse Health Effects of CBD Oil

The FDA does not evaluate the effectiveness or safety of using CBD products. So, that is still an open question. In spite of the fact that there is an increasing number of CBD (hemp) THC marijuana products coming to market, most offering to a wide range of medical conditions, there is a great deal of uncertainty legally and from a regulation standpoint that remains open in the U.S. market. The federal government engages in warning letters to companies and oversight is going to become a very big issue in the future.

Where is CBD OIL Sold?

CBD Oil is sold directly and only in states that have legalized “medical marijuana”. As of 2020, there are thirty-three (33) states that have legalized CBD Oil. Products are typically sold in fixed locations but of course, it is also sold on the internet. That is part of the regulatory problem.

CBD Sellers’ Claims and Lack of Clinical Trials

Those who are selling CBD Oil make all kinds of claims about the pain relief it can give you. For those of you with osteoarthritis, the advertising is often directed at you. They are all claiming that the “clinical trials” prove it. Unfortunately, that is not a truthful statement. *The only clinically-proven medical issue is that it may help with certain kinds of childhood epilepsy.

*This finding was very limited in nature. It involved the use of the CBD medication (Epidiolex®) in the treatment of two rare types of childhood epilepsy. For any other use of CBD Oil, there is simply no evidence to support the claims of sellers. Furthermore, this medication also was found to have caused side effects such as: diarrhea, increased appetite, fatigue, general malaise (feeling unwell), weakness (lethargy), and rashes.

Liquid Glucosamine vs CBD Oil Trials

Why are CBD Oil Sellers Claiming Their Products Can Help with Arthritis (OA) Pain

Let’s clear the air on the claim that there are “clinical trials” that prove you can get pain relief using CBD Oil. The only clinical trials other than what was mentioned above were conducted using rats. That is not the same as a valid clinical trial yet sellers are still making these claims.

What a True Clinical Trial Looks Like

When scientists are doing clinical studies, they use two groups: one group tests the product, the other group receives a placebo (an empty pill). In fact, there have only been a few clinical studies using CBD Oil and pain from arthritis and none had a control group. So, they are not truly valid findings. How do we know if those who received the CBD did not react by thinking they got relief? It happens a lot. Without a control group for comparison, any claims from these studies carry little to no validity.

Osteoarthritis (OA) Does Three Things to Your Joints

Arthritis in joint structures can cause inflammation, joint degeneration, and peripheral neuropathy (nerve pain). The most recent study involved rats and the use of CBD Oil to see if it would assist with pain. Scientists have methods for determining whether or not an animal has pain and even if it is reduced.

Their findings? They stated in their final report that CBD Oil may be helpful in reducing neuropathic pain. This leaves you with a conclusion that CBD may or may not be useful in reducing neuropathic pain, and this is the only finding they made. It did not find that joint pain itself was affected by CBD Oil.

The Difference Between CBD Oil and Glucosamine Liquid

The paragraph above mentions the three things that happen to a person suffering from OA. They are inflammation, joint degeneration, and neuropathy. In looking at an alternative to CBD Oil and instead considering glucosamine, this writer favors glucosamine in liquid form. Let’s talk about that before we show you what it can do for your arthritis.

Glucosamine Versus Glucosamine Liquid

Glucosamine in pill form usually has “fillers and binders” in them. That limits the amount of glucosamine that actually goes to work in your body. The difference between glucosamine liquid and pill form is that only an estimated 17% of the glucosamine you get from pills are delivered into your body. Compare that to the estimated 83% that you get from using a glucosamine liquid, that is a huge difference in absorbance.

Why is Glucosamine Liquid Better for My Arthritis Than CBD Oil?

Using premium-quality liquid glucosamine like Synflex®, the clinical studies state that users report pain relief. But, perhaps, more importantly, the clinical studies of glucosamine make clear that the product will “assist in rebuilding damaged cartilage”. That is a major point and there are decades of clinical studies that support it.

While pain relief is what most who suffer from arthritis are looking for today, what about tomorrow? If cartilage continues to degenerate the time will come when the affected joint(s) is “bone on bone” and that is when the pain reaches a disabling level. Certainly, no CBD Oil can help you in that regard because it simply does not do what glucosamine liquid can do.

CBD Oil Pain ReliefGovernment Regulation is Lacking But it is Coming Soon

Since sellers of CBD Oil are not currently regulated extensively by the government, they are making whatever claims they want with no fear of the government cracking down. Fortunately, that is about to change. The FDA is about to issue rules and regulations to get some control of these claims.

Quality Control

Since there has been no government regulation in the manufacturing process, these CBD Oils vary widely in terms of quality. One may be rated “useless” while another may be rated as “satisfactory”. You can see why government regulation of CBD Oil is needed. Claims made to consumers go by the wayside when sellers can manufacture low-quality products and represent to you that they are “very high quality”.

The Major Difference Between CBD and Liquid Glucosamine for Arthritis Sufferers

Not all who have arthritis actually have pain. The pain issue usually comes along later after your arthritis is starting to damage cartilage. There is usually already some functional damage to the cartilage in your joint structures by the time pain has hit you. If you do have pain and are considering using CBD oil, there are limitations.

Pain Management of OA with CBD Oil – The Major Limitation

First of all, if you are going to try CBD oil for your arthritis pain, that is going to be all you get. We know that pain relief is important if you have arthritis, but you are not going to get more from this product like you would with liquid glucosamine. Let’s compare a very high-quality liquid glucosamine versus using CBD Oil.

Synflex® Liquid Glucosamine gets very high marks from users. According to those who have used it (and, likely still are), they experienced pain relief. That would be consistent with clinical testing that has been done on glucosamine. The added benefit comes in the form of relief to your cartilage.

CBD Oil Will Not Help with Cartilage Damage

According to clinical testing, the glucosamine in Synflex® will assist in the production of glycosaminoglycans. Those are the building blocks of cartilage growth and that’s not something that you would get by using CBD Oil. There are countless clinical trials of glucosamine with these findings. When cartilage is completely gone from a joint structure, you are ‘bone on bone’ and in for a great deal of pain and suffering.

The Cost of Using CBD Oil is Much Higher than Liquid Glucosamine

CBD Oil is much more expensive than a high-quality glucosamine liquid like Synflex®. We surveyed the market and on average if you elect to use CBD Oil for your arthritis pain relief your cost will be 2-4 times higher than using Synflex®. Synflex® formulas for the average person is $28.85 for a 32-day supply. CBD Oil for pain relief is far more expensive. All you have to do is run a random check on the internet to see that. Synflex® also offers “Subscribe and Save” pricing.

Is CBD Oil Pricing Going to Come Down?

Based on what we have seen and the fact that more regulation is coming, it is not going to get less expensive. In fact, depending on how the market goes it may even go higher. So, you have to weigh the benefit of using CBD oil as opposed to glucosamine liquid. It goes without saying that not everyone can afford these high prices for CBD Oil.

Synflex Liquid GlucosamineMeasure the Track Record

In our example, Synflex® liquid glucosamine has been on the market since 2000. So there is a long track record of success according to the users of this product. There are countless testimonials from clients about how arthritis pain was handled using Synflex® and the clinical studies are consistent with that.

Quality Affects Performance

Synflex® liquid glucosamine uses pharmaceutical-quality glucosamine and it meets high standards. CBD Oil products can vary in terms of quality for certain. We are talking about the price and what you are actually going to get for your money. Only potential pain relief from CBD. Given the long history Synflex® has, it is worth giving it a try before investing in a CBD Oil product that may or may not give you the pain relief you are seeking.

Lab Testing

All products that are consumed by the public are supposed to be carefully reviewed in the production process. And, one would think that it is true of CBD products as well. In spite of that fact, there are bound to be some products that are relying on lower-quality ingredients that make their way onto the market. At least from this writer’s perspective, it is inevitable. So, while you are trying to find a “less expensive CBD Oil you may be losing on the quality”.

CBD Oil Versus Liquid Glucosamine Conclusion

Hands down, glucosamine liquid is a healthier choice for OA sufferers, and, it is less expensive than using CBD Oils.