Finding Value in an Arthritis Pain Remedy

Arthritis Pain Relief and Supplements Breakdown

arthritis hip pain reliefYou have quite the decision to make as you seek the best arthritis pain remedy. It’s not easy shopping around. Most of you take some sort of pain reliever. That’s pretty much a given. Some of you want to solve this naturally if possible, taking the supplement route.  Even then, the choices are pretty much endless.

You can choose to find arthritis hip pain relief at your local retailer. You know you’ll have isles and isle of options. Most of what you’ll find are pills, which sound good enough. You’ve taken pills all your life. What’s another one? You probably won’t pay more than $10 too, which sounds like a good deal.

The reality is that you’re not getting a good deal. Why? Well…

  • It’s a pill. Our bodies have to work harder and longer to break down pills so you’re not getting those nutrients as fast as you could be if you choose a liquid supplement.
  • You’re not really getting as much as you think you are. By the time our bodies break down the pill, the actual nutritional value decreases. You’re getting 20% of what the bottle says you’re getting…if you’re lucky.
  • There are other ingredients. Companies can make a claim as long as the ingredient is in the product. That does not prevent them from adding other ingredients as fillers. You’re not really getting what you think you’re getting.

To think you paid $10 for all that. Quality matters. If you buy something, you expect it to work. Now let’s take a look at liquid glucosamine supplements claiming to be some sort of arthritis pain remedy.

  • Many of them have those other ingredients at higher levels than the glucosamine. Most of them contain MSM, which doesn’t do anything at all.
  • They trick you with a lower price, but the bottle is also tiny. The value just isn’t there.

There are several companies who try and copycat Synflex supplements. The truth is that they don’t work as effectively because they don’t have the formula quite right.