According to federal health officials, we should all engage in at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. That is a moderate amount of exercise activity. So if you do that, in one week you have 210 minutes of exercise or just over three hours a week. That is a solid goal for someone with or without arthritis.
For exercise to be the most effective, it has to be done on a regular basis. Consistency is key for lasting results. You can’t get into a program where you start and stop all the time if you want lasting results. It is best to make the commitment to exercise and do it regularly.
It is important to also take into consideration how your body feels before you decide which exercise is right for you. Do not force yourself into a compulsive, “right on schedule” type of exercise regimen. Give yourself the flexibility you need in order to reach your goal. By making exercise a part of your weekly routine, you are committing to improving your arthritis and enjoying your efforts at the same time.
Certainly, there are times when disruptions in your exercise schedule can occur. You get busy and your exercise regimen goes by the wayside. Or, other commitments get in the way of your schedule. Don’t let those things stop you from staying on track. Remember, exercise is not only important for those with arthritis, it is an essential part of improving your life as a whole.
Adding liquid Glucosamine such as Synflex in addition to exercise is a great way to keep your joints healthy.