
The Arthritis Ninja – Helping you fight Osteoarthritis

NSAIDs and Arthritis: Risks Outweigh Benefits

Cardiovascular Risks Involved with Taking NSAIDs Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) are among the most commonly prescribed medications for ailments, such as arthritis. Shockingly, however, they have been shown to be related to cardiovascular risks. In the U.S. alone, more than

Living with Arthritis

You know first-hand how difficult it can be If you are living with arthritis, then you know first-hand how difficult it can be to enjoy a normal lifestyle. The aches and pains can constantly hold you back from things that

Knee Osteoarthritis: How You are Killing Your Knees

Osteoarthritis of the knees Knee Osteoarthritis is the leading form of Osteoarthritis. With more than 10 million Americans experiencing this pain.  The deterioration of the cartilage in the knee can cause bone to rub against bone. This is less than

Is Glucosamine an Anti Inflammatory?

Here is what studies have shown Glucosamine is an amino sugar produced naturally by our bodies.  It plays a key role in the production, maintenance, and repair of cartilage. Glucosamine stimulates the production of glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans, two essential building

Glucosamine, Arthritis and Quality of Life

Arthritis and Aging Adults in the U.S. are living longer and the number of people in older age groups is increasing. One might believe this is a cause for celebration. Unfortunately, the number of adults living with chronic conditions like

Glucosamine: Healthy Living is for Everyone

Athletes Pay Attention As you get older, you start to realize that your body may not be what it once was. More aches and pains start and you began to realize that time is marching on.  And, you may not

Effective Forms of Arthritis Exercises

Exercise is an effective way to keep arthritis pain at bay Exercise is an effective way to keep arthritis pain at bay.  It is crucial to the prevention of arthritis to keep moving.  A lack of exercise will only elevate

Does Glucosamine Work for Pets?

Put Your Pet at Ease If you have a beloved pet that is simply slowing down with age, then you may consider finding a way to put your pet at ease. This process may not be easy at times, but

Can Vitamin D Help Arthritis?

Vitamin D plays a vital role in our wellbeing Low Levels of Vitamin D Contribute to Arthritis A Vitamin D deficiency is believed to be linked to a variety of diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and arthritis.  Arthritis can stem from

Arthritis Sufferers: Far Infrared Light Therapy May Help

Steps to alleviate the symptoms When you are suffering from Arthritis pain, you are often willing to take any additional steps to alleviate the symptoms.  Arthritis can often be managed through exercise, diet, supplements, and medication.  When these attempts fail

Your Body May Not Be Producing Enough Glucosamine

The human body needs many substances to keep running smoothly Tick…..Tick…..Tick. What is that ticking sound? That is the sound of Grand Old Father Time. Father Time loves you so much that he squeezes and compress his arms around your

Acupuncture Beneficial for Osteoarthritis Pain

Improve the symptoms of Osteoarthritis Acupuncture for arthritis, particularly osteoarthritis (OA), has been shown to improve arthritis symptoms and reduce pain. Osteoarthritis, the most common degenerative joint disease, may have a vast impact on your daily life.  It can cause

Why Synflex® is not Certified by the FDA

For those who use the Synflex® line of liquid Glucosamine and their other products, the question often arises as to why they are not certified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (FDA) It is a simple question to answer.

Can you take Synflex® when you suffer from diabetes?

There are two types of Glucosamine that are typically used in products.  The most popular is Glucosamine Sulfate and it is the one that is supported by clinical evidence. You can read about that evidence for liquid glucosamine on our

Repair Joints Naturally

Treatments intended to repair joints naturally are targeting the repair and nourishment of damaged cartilage because they are no longer capable of adequately cushioning adjoining joint bones. Disorders that slowly break down cartilage and bone, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid